Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Circle of Gratitude:

Networking Naturals:

Referral Royalty:

Santa's Favorite Helper:

How Your Three Minutes Make Dreams Come True

If I promised a sure-fire way to give someone an amazing Christmas present this year (or holiday gift of choice, if you don’t celebrate Christmas) and told you it would only take 3 minutes of your time, would you listen?

Of course you would!

You’re like me – you’re a giver.

You love seeing someone’s eyes light up when they open that perfect gift you picked out just for them.

The Story:
“The best way to spread Christmas cheer…”
Every year, we always sit down as a family and laugh at Will Farrell’s attempts to spread Christmas cheer in Elf. 

My wife loves Christmas. She also loves free. 

I mean, if I gave her a beautiful pair of diamond earrings, she would love them twice as much if I told her they were free than if I said they cost me a fortune. She’s weird like that.

The Problem:
The thing is, that since I am currently unemployed, she won’t let me buy her a Christmas present. Like, she promised to be mildly physically violent if I spent any money on her.

The Solution:
Get her something for free.

Seems obvious and simple, right? I thought so too!
(Great minds think alike).

In addition to the other stuff I am making her, could you help me out?

There’s this great deal-a-day website called No More Rack that offers free gifts if you get enough friends to sign up.

5 Great Reasons to Sign Up:
-       You like to help people
-       It’s free
-       It takes 3 minutes tops (including the time you’ve already spent reading this!)
-       You get access to great daily deals (like the 42” Plasma TV for under $200 on Black Friday!!!)

-       You wanna watch someone cry tears of joy on Christmas morning, right?

Here's What to Do:
  1. Sign up with the instructions below.
  2. E-mail/Link To/Forward/Re-post/Tweet/Smoke Signal this message to all your friends.
  3. Like this page on Facebook.
  4. Have you told as many people as you know yet? Keep going! You can do it!

How Do I Sign Up?
-       Click this link
-       A box may pop-up asking you to register or click the green “Register Now” button on the top right of the screen

-       Enter an e-mail address, a password, and confirm!

It’s that easy.

You get an e-mail every day from No More Rack that you can cancel if you ever feel isn’t serving your needs. Check out some of these “Insane Deals” first though!

My goal is ambitious: I want 1000 people to sign-up so I can “buy” her a laptop. If I only get half my goal, I can still get an iPad 2.

Her Christmas is in your hands, good people of the world. Help me make it a great one, will you?

Special Bonus!!!
I will be adding names in my circle of gratitude. Shoot me a message if I need to thank you.
If you get 10 other people to sign-up you are a Networking Natural.
How about 20? Referral Royalty.
50? I’ll just call you Santa’s Favorite Helper.

If we reach the goal, you will see
a)    a video of my wife crying as she opens the box
b)   a different video of me reenacting Buddy the Elf’s “I’m in a store AND I’M SINGING!” in a crowded shopping center.

Oh yeah. I went there.

You people rock! Now tell all your friends and sign-up!